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Gold Supply Chain

H.Samuel is part of Signet Jewellers Ltd. We are aware of the issues being raised over mining practices and take them very seriously.

In the UK, the "No Dirty Gold" campaign raises awareness about the impact of gold mining and urges customers to ask jewellers to support mining industry reform.

Signet Jewelers Ltd was a founding member of the Council for Responsible Jewellery Practices in May 2005. This group was created specifically to promote and develop responsible social, ethical and environmental business practices throughout the gold and diamond jewellery supply chain - from mine to retail.

Gold Supply Chain Information

We expect our business partners to adhere to socially and environmentally responsible business practices. We take the impact of our company's supply chain seriously and we believe that gold should be extracted and processed in a manner that respects the needs of current and future generations.

We believe that it is best to strive for improvements in mining practices and supply chain conditions through industry initiatives so as to maximize our effectiveness in addressing these issues. Such industry bodies have much greater credibility with governments and international organizations, whose co-operation is essential in successfully tackling these matters.

We believe meaningful reform must incorporate a wide range of industry stakeholders to ensure that responsible practices are developed and can be followed all the way through the supply chain. Without the engagement of all segments of our industry, individual commitments to responsible practices by retailers will not in the long term solve the problems highlighted by groups such as No Dirty Gold.

Therefore, the Responsible Jewellery Council (RJC), a non-profit organization, was founded in May 2005. RJC is unique in that it seeks to promote and develop responsible social, ethical and environmental business practices throughout the diamond and gold Jewellery supply chain from mine to retail. Membership of RJC is comprised of companies and trade groups that, in total, are representative of the entire supply chain, from mine to retail.

Jewelers of America, the national trade association of retail jewelers, of which we are a member, is one of the founders of RJC, as were we.

The Responsible Jewellery Council (RJC) has developed a set of Principles and a Code of Practice for companies from mining through to retail involved in the worldwide diamond and gold jewelry industry. RJC has consulted widely with many stakeholders in the jewellery industry on the development of its Principles, and its Code of Practices which have now been published and outline the ethical, social, human rights and environmental practices to which RJC members should adhere. This includes a comprehensive mining specific responsible sourcing code.

RJC requires that members have independent auditors verify their compliance with responsible practices, as defined by the RJC Code of Practices.

RJC believes there is a need for an open and transparent approach and believes that by working in collaboration with civil society and governments it can promote and develop responsible business practices throughout the supply chain. Therefore, RJC places importance on ensuring that interested parties, including NGOs, are represented and given the opportunity to be part of the overall consultation process.

For more information regarding RJC's mission statement, founding members, and other information, please visit www.responsiblejewellery.com.

In addition, we have also been supportive of the Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance (IRMA), launched in Vancouver, Canada, in June 2006. IRMA consists of jewelry and gold miners, industry bodies, and human/environmental rights groups, which have been working together to develop comprehensive responsible sourcing standards for mining operations.

If you require further information, please contact Customer Services on: 0800 458 1065