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Voucher codes

What is a voucher code?

A voucher code allows you to take advantage of special discounts and offers. Voucher codes are issued by email, in-store, by post, in magazines, newspapers, on affiliate websites and though other promotional literature.

Where can I redeem my voucher code?

Voucher codes that have been issued by email can only be redeemed at hsamuel.co.uk.

Voucher codes that have been issued by a H.Samuel store, an affiliate website or by post can usually be redeemed at hsamuel.co.uk or in any H.Samuel store but please refer to the terms and conditions of the offer.

To find out where other voucher codes can be redeemed, please refer to the terms and conditions of the offer.

How do I use my voucher code online?

When you have qualifying items in your shopping basket, simply enter the voucher code in the 'Add a promo code' field and click on 'Apply'. The discount or offer will automatically be applied to your shopping basket.

If you have applied your voucher code but decide to continue shopping or edit your order before paying, the code will remain in your basket. You will not need to enter it again when you proceed through checkout.

If you have applied your voucher code but decide to exit the website before proceeding through checkout, the code will be removed from your basket. You will have to re-enter it when you visit our website again.

I have entered my voucher code but the discount/offer has not been applied.

If the discount or offer has not been applied, a message telling you why will be displayed at the top of your shopping basket. Here are the main reasons why the discount or offer may not have been applied.

Your order does not qualify

Please check that the items in your basket meet the offer criteria by referring to the terms and conditions. For example, most voucher codes are only valid on full price items and value offers i.e a £15 off voucher, will only work with full priced items in the basket.

Your voucher code is not valid

You may have mis-typed the code we provided you with. Please check and try again.

Your voucher code has already been used

Voucher codes can only be used once so make sure that you have not previously redeemed your code.

The voucher code you used is not yet active or has expired

Voucher codes are valid for a certain period only and must be presented within that time. Please refer to the terms and conditions of the offer to check that the offer has started or that it has not ended.

Voucher code terms and conditions

Voucher codes can only be used once. Voucher codes offering a discount cannot be used for the purchase of gift cards, repairs, cleaning products, accessories, warranties or insurance replacements and may exclude certain brands. Voucher codes offering a discount cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotion, coupon, discount or offer. If an order or part of an order is cancelled, the voucher code will become invalid. Voucher codes have a valid period during which they must be presented. Voucher codes apply to full priced items only, this includes the minimum spend threshold.

For full terms and conditions, please refer to the terms and conditions of the offer.