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Security Guarantee

Our website uses a secure server which uses SSL technology (secure sockets layer) to make sure that all your credit or debit card transactions are completely secure.

Every time we receive an order, we use fraud checking systems as well as authentication processes before we fulfil it.

When you use our website, the secure server will encrypt all of the personal information you send us, including credit or debit card number and name and address. Encryption turns the information you enter into bits of code which are then securely transmitted to us over the Internet.

We will take all reasonable measures to keep your personal information, order and payment details secure. However, we cannot be held liable if an event beyond our control results in loss to you.

Safe shopping at H.Samuel

At H.Samuel we are committed to protecting you against unauthorised transactions and ensuring that our payment process is as safe and secure as possible. As well as our SSL technology (mentioned above), we have implemented extra levels of security to protect your online transactions.

Validation checks

All credit and charge card holders are subject to validation checks and authorisation by the card issuer. If the issuer of your payment card refuses to authorise payment to us, we will not be liable for any delay or non-delivery. In addition, in the interests of preventing fraudulent use of credit, debit and charge cards, H.Samuel will validate the names, addresses and other information supplied during the order process against commercially available records (e.g Electoral Roll data, Credit Reference Services). A third party may also be instructed to complete these checks. By ordering from the hsamuel.co.uk website you consent to such checks being made. We may need to contact you by letter, telephone or email to verify details before we are able to process and dispatch your order or we may be unable to accept your order. Any information given may be disclosed to a registered Credit Reference Agency which may keep a record of the information. All information provided will be treated in accordance with the applicable data protection regulation. These measures are taken as extra protection for you, to ensure your online shopping experience with us is as safe and secure as possible and to assist in the prevention of crime.

Security Code

We will ask for your security code when you enter your card details. This is the last three digits on the signature strip on the back of your credit or Maestro card. American Express card holders this is the four digit number found on the front of the card. It guarantees that you physically have the card when you order and ensures that fraudulent orders cannot be placed with your card number alone.

MasterCard SecureCode (for MasterCard and Maestro cards) and Verified by Visa (for Visa cards)

When you are entering your payment details on our website, a box will pop up giving you the option to register with either MasterCard SecureCode or Verified by Visa (depending on which type of card you have), or to sign into them if you have already registered.

MasterCard SecureCode and Verified by Visa work in the same way. Both systems protect your existing credit card with a secret password that you create. Your password is registered with your card-issuing bank and from then on you can use the same password whenever you use that card to pay for goods at HSamuel.co.uk or with any other websites that use this technology.

Retail Decisions' (ReD) ebitGuard technology

ReD's ebitGuard technology is designed to detect card fraud, particularly international fraud, in an online environment.

By using this technology, H.Samuel can check purchaser information against multiple public records for accuracy and consistency, identify computer-generated fraud that is not always picked up by other standard systems, screen fraud databases and much more.


By using the website you confirm that you are at least 18 years old, or, if you are under 18, that you are accessing the website with the consent of your parent of guardian. We do not sell products to children, but we do sell children's products for purchase by adults.